Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Pentagram, the 27th installment in the Conan series, was released in Japan in April 2024. As of June 23, this latest movie has grossed over 15 billion yen at Japanese box office, and drew an audience of 10.52 million viewers, once again setting new records for the franchise.

Hakodate City, the setting of the movie, has attracted many Conan fans from Japan and overseas. The City features Conan-themed trains and buses, and a stamp rally that takes you to various movie locations around the city. This time, let’s explore the stamp rally spots with me, the editor, and visit the various locations that appear in the movie.


「Hakodate x Detective Conan」One-day Pass for the City Tram and Hakodate Bus featuring original illustrations

*Until September 30, 2024
(Adult tickets are no longer on sale. Children’s tickets are still on sale, but will end when sold out)

The most convenient public transportation for sightseeing in Hakodate city is the city tram and the bus. In commemoration of the release of the movie Conan, a limited number of “Hakodate x Detective Conan” themed one day passes for the city tram and Hakodate bus are on sale (price: 1,400 yen/adult, 700 yen/child). Both sides of the pass feature original illustrations from the movie, so any Conan fan would definitely want to get their hands on this!

*Limited quantity, available until stock runs out.


Detective Conan original wrapping tram and bus

Wrapping tram

*Until September 30, 2024

Detective Conan wrapping trams are running through Hakodate city, and the advertisements inside the trams are all about Detective Conan! At six stops, including “Yunokawa,” “Yunokawa Onsen,” “Goryokaku Koen-mae,” “Matsukaze-cho,” “Hakodate Eki-mae,” and “Jujigai,” you can listen to the announcement make by the voice of Conan (VA: Takayama Minami) ! You can enjoy Conan even more by riding the Detective Conan bus or tram!

Service Information for the Detective Conan Wrapping Tram (Japanese website)


Wrapping Bus

*Until September 30, 2024

In addition to the one-day pass, 3 (three) Detective Conan wrapping buses featuring Edogawa Conan (blue), Kaitou Kid (white), and Hattori Heiji (green) are operating on some routes within Hakodate city. The on-board announcements at some bus stops are made by the main character, Edogawa Conan (VA: Takayama Minami)!

Operating Information for the Detective Conan Wrapping Bus (Japanese website).


Walk around seeking The Million-dollar Pentagram: Stamp Rally for walking the streets in Hakodate

*Until September 30, 2024

*Suggested 2-day itinerary for weekdays.



 Many scenes in the movie “Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram” are set in Hakodate. In addition to the tourist spots featured in the Hakodate Town Tour Stamp Rally, the most popular photo spot “Hachimanzaka”, the local Hakodate specialty “Lucky Pierrot”, and the retro tram also appear in the movie. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, you can enjoy Hakodate’s iconic tourist spots at once by participating in the Hakodate Town Tour Stamp Rally!


Stamp Rally for walking the streets in Hakodate

【 Event date】

1st period   2024.4.12~2024.6.30

2nd period   2024.7.1~2024.9.30


If you collect 5 stamps on a stamp card from 10 different locations in Hakodate City, you get an original good of the movie at a prize exchange counter.

★ Prize on the first-come-first-served basis★

1st period:Sticker               ※already out of stock.

2nd period:Plastic folder     ※on the first-come-first-served basis.

★ Prize with 5 stamps★

    You get an AR photo frame which is only used in Hakodate.

※Design of photo frame will be changed from the 1st period to the 2nd period.

★ You get a lottery ticket to win a special prize with 7 stamps.★

※1st step : Scan the QR code on the lottery ticket.

2nd step : Enter the required information and the register code which is

written on the lottery ticket (below QR code).

※Winners will be notified by delivery of the prize in the mail.

Prizes for lottery winners

Prize A (2 people):A poster with real autograph of Minami Takayama who

is the voice actress for Edogawa Conan.

Prize B (10 people):The million-dollar bath bomb.

Prize C (20 people):A Coupon worth 10,000 yen for staying in Hakodate

Yunokawa area.

Prize D (20 people):Local specialties of Hakodate.

※ Please check the back side for locations where you get a stamp and the prize

exchange counters.

【The prize exchange counters】

JR Hakodate station (Hakodate city tourist information center) 9:00-19:00

Marui Imai Department store                            10:00-18:30

Hakodate Airport(Arrival lobby of domestic flight)               8:00-19:30

※For other collaboration projects, please check the official event website.